Wednesday 12 November 2014

You make a difference

Your child's progress might not be that easy to see on a day-to-day basis, but when you reflect from time to time on how far he or she has come, give yourself some credit: Would that progress have happened if you hadn't been planning, praying, pushing for it? 

Everything you do for your child -- every appointment, every therapy, every intervention, but also every smile, every hug, every conversation -- makes a difference. 

But you're also making a difference in the world. 

Every time you give information about your child's disability to an educator, you make a difference for the next child. 

Every time you give advice in a support group or online forum, you make a difference for that parent and family. 

You are a force for good.

I found this encouraging and uplifting words on


  1. Wow. I so appreciate reading this. I am not exaggerating when I say that not only 10 minutes ago, I was talking to my husband about this - in tears of course. I'd gotten our son's IEP progress report home yesterday and seen that he's talking less than he was a year ago and just lost it. I did go to his school today and mentioned something and well, thank you for reminding me that I'm his force for good!

    1. So pleased that reading You make a difference helped. Sometimes just an uplifting word is all we need to help get us through. It can be so challenging at times and you are doing a great job! Thanks for your message.
