Sunday 16 November 2014

Becoming a chatterbox...and singing

About 15 weeks ago, our family started to raise funds for Faith's speech and physiotherapy. It has been hard asking family and friends for money as for so long we have managed with grants and the like but this time we could not sustain the cost. So with apprehension we designed a flyer and promoted it. We feel so blessed with the response we have had. Because of it we have been able to have weekly speech therapy for more than 15 weeks.

It is as we have opened a box with words and sounds spilling out.  And of course Faith's frustration of wanting to communicate more than she can leading to frustration tantrums. All part of the learning process. Faith has progressed faster than we anticipated. Firstly she started learning to use Proloquo2go and as she does, took to it speedily. Proloquo2go is a symbol-supported communication app that gives a voice to people who cannot speak. For Faith it helps her speech, allowing her to communicate her needs and wants while she is learning to speak. For example, she can touch pictures " I want bed/sleep" I want food/hungry" "I want to do things". It gives her more control and confidence. It gives her the opportunity to chat and explore. She zooms around the iPad with ease. I had to lock many features on the ipad as she would surf the internet, wander in iTunes, head to sites related to Peppa pig and watch Play School. She did delete Proloquo2go before I backed it up too! I learned my lesson.

The speech therapist comes once a week for an hour. The speechy and Faith have become good friends, Faith loves hanging out with her. They play loads of games. Learning is fun Faith has discovered. Walks in the garden, tumbling the compost, playing ball in the standing frame and many other activities.

A few days a go while on our way back from the park, I heard this sweet lalaa arrr coming from the back seat. It was Faith. She was singing. The singing continued for a few minutes with her saying 'hooray' at the end. It was beautiful hearing her singing. What a sweet little girl she is.

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