Friday, 11 May 2012

UTI Free & Growing!

It is has taken a while but we came to the realization that our high set house is no longer practical, hubby has said that for a while but I haven't been ready. This is our first home and we renovated a bit and made it own. We decorated Faith's room and now it is all girly so to realize that it is time to move, is rather hard. We have a lovely backyard but since Faith is on oxygen and I am home by myself a lot it is too hard for Faith and I to go downstairs. We have a lovely deck but it is not the same as touching the grass and sitting outside for moment, smelling the flowers and feeling the warm sun on our backs. We want to be able to take Faith outside and when the time comes for Faith to go outside with her walking frame or whatever way she needs. To carry her and the oxygen tank up and down the stairs is quite heavy, though I am getting a lot of muscles in my arms we realize we need to move on. There are other valid reasons too, so we have put our house on the market. It isn't a good time to sell but it probably won't pick up for a long time so we just have to do it. Now starts the roller coaster ride of selling a house and keeping it neat and tidy all the time. It will be really good for Faith to go outside and smell the herbs and touch the grass and even have a slide to go up and down on.

A very exciting development is Faith has been clear of a UTI for about 3 weeks and it has to be due to us stopping catheterizing. We can see Faith changing, growing, talking more and getting stronger. She is even putting on weight! She has less vomiting but still has the other vomiting but is it better. We are heading to Brisbane for Faith to have a DMSA scan at last, the urologist said to just go ahead and get it done. Due to a nasty accident on the freeway we were stuck in traffic and we were late for our appointment but they did fit us in, it just meant we had to be there a lot longer. The radioactive ingredient that was injected into Faith before the scan had to be in her system for a few hours before they could do the scan so we just wandered around the hospital waiting. The scan was completed and the report said that Faith's kidney's looked normal so there was no scarring even with all the infections. Yay! Great news.

Faith's new AFO's
We had to head back to Brisbane the following week as due to the scan running late we missed Faith's other appointment. We were quite excited as we are picking up Faith's first AFO's. We have been waiting for these for ages, we had to wait for Faith's feet to be big enough. But here we are and Faith now has little AFO's with purple butterflies on them. Very cute. So with the AFO's and leg wraps we can stand Faith up and in a few weeks or so get her fitted for a standing frame. Faith is moving forward so much more quickly than before and it is very exciting.

Since Faith has been so well and progressing now, we thought it was now time to take her to an early intervention program. We tried once before but she was so sick that it wasn't benefiting her so we left. Our first week there were only two other babies so it was a nice small group. The week after that was the last week of the term and it was only us so we got the benefit of having a early intervention teacher and physiotherapist so that was great. We are trying to put Faith on her tummy more so she can learn to move around a bit more. We are looking forward to getting the pram soon so she has somewhere to sit and play. Having the one on one advice was helpful. The early intervention program is really good as Faith can play with other little people and we get to see a speech pathologist and physiotherapist every week. They also know about different toys that could help Faith and can help with applications for funding for equipment. It is nice to have some relatively peaceful times.


  1. Faith's AFO's are so cute! You must have been thrilled to be seeing so much last!

    1. Thanks for your comments, always like hearing from you. The AFO's are cute, the little butterflies on them make them so girly. It is encouraging seeing her progress.
