Monday, 17 August 2015

Saying Thank you

Thank you Lismore City Lions Club
Saying Thank You!

It is not often we have the opportunity to say 'thanks' for helping. Recently The Northern Star ran a story about our delightful little lady and her journey in becoming mobile.

We are pleased to announce that little miss has her power wheel chair and loves it. She is learning to drive the power chair but particularly loves going around and around hooray!

The moment I watched her take control of her chair and explore was just amazing. For the first time in her life she went where she wanted. She explored, crashed, felt the leaves on the trees and delighted in her world.

Thank you to Lismore City Lions Club for helping our darling daughter reach for the stars!

Here is the story if you would like to read it Confidence Boost for Eleanor


  1. So awesome! I love seeing the photo of your happy family and your little lady in her fancy new vehicle!

    1. It is a fun pic heh! Did you notice the little man's shirt "Seriously Handsome" lol I love seeing the little lady free to roam in her wheel chair. Such a blessing. Thanks again for stopping by to comment. I appreciate it

  2. This must have been an amazing milestone for all of you!
